
Special reports

Name Description
Standard Report

This Report sets out in a systematic way the information contained in the database relating to a selected component.

Country Report

The Country Report provides an overview of national organisations which are providing in situ observations data to support Copernicus products.

Pivot Reports

Name Description
Products - Data link

Use cases:
1. List Data per given Product, Component, or Service
2. List Data used by a given Product, Component, or Service. with (no) information/handling cost
3. Present a list of Data per Product group

Filtering done on the objects of the report:
- Products that have a link to at least one requirement which has at least one link to a data set.
- Data with at least one link to a requirement linked to a product

Products without data or requirement

Use cases:
1. List Products without data and/or requirements.

Filtering done on the objects of the report:
- Products which do not have a link to a requirement or to a data object

Entrusted entity component statistics

Use cases:
1. Count Requirements per Entrusted Entity
2. Count Requirements per Component
3. Count Products per Component
4. Count Products per Entrusted Entity

Filtering done on the objects of the report:
- All Products are considered for the counting
- The requirements which have a link to a product of the selected component/entrusted entity are considered for the counting

Data provider statistics

Use cases:
1. List data providers which deliver data and a count of data delivered.

Filtering done on the objects of the report:
- Data providers with at least one link to a data set

Requirement Areas

Use cases:
1. List all requirements and their related areas.

Filtering done on the objects of the report:
- Requirements with at least one link to a product and one link to a data object

Data - Requirements compliance

Use cases:
1. List Data fully compliant with Requirements ( filter by Level of compliance)

Filtering done on the objects of the report:
- Products that have a link to at least one requirement which has at least one link to a data set.
- Requirements with at least one link to a data set and at least one link to a product
- Data with at least one link to a requirement linked to a product

Data report

Use cases:
1. List INSPIRE themes covered by Data

Filtering done on the objects of the report:
- All Data sets are shown in this report

Products - Requirements link

Use cases:
1. List Requirements per given Product, Component, or Service
2. List Requirements classified according to criticality per given Product, Component, or Service (filter by Criticality)
3. List barriers per Product, Component, or Service
4. List requirements with level_of_compliance different from “fully compliant” per given Service
5. List main outstanding gaps per Service, Product, and Component ( by level of compliance)
6. List Requirements per given Product
7. List Requirements with level_of_compliance “none” or “partially fullfilled” per given Service Component
8. List Essential Requirements per given Product, Component, or Service (filter by Criticality)
9. List Requirements per given Product, Component, or Service that are essential and not fulfilled (filter by Criticality and Level of Compliance)

Products - Requirements - Dataset - Data Providers link

Use cases:
1. List Data Providers per given Product, Component, or Service
2. List all commercial Data Providers contributing to Copernicus per Service (filter by provider type)
3. List Data providers (networks) contributing to Copernicus per Entrusted Entity
4. List of Service, Product and Component to which a selected Data provider contribute.
5. List Data Providers per Product, Component or Service
6. List Networks and DataProviders delivering data to the selected service/entrusted Entities
7. List Data Providers deliver essential data to us (filter by Level of Compliance)

Data providers per Countries and Components and No of Data per data providers

Use cases:
1.Filter per ‘Data Provider Country’
2. Filter per ‘Product component’
3. List data providers networks and data count per data provider