Description |
The European Eddy Fluxes Database Cluster is an initiative to improve standardization, integration and collaboration between databases that are part of European research projects. It has been created with the aim to host in a single infrastructure fluxes measurements between ecosystems and atmosphere and to provide standard and high-quality data processing and data sharing tools. The database receives and distribute fluxes of different Green House Gases measured mainly using the eddy covariance technique but also by chambers. In addition to the fluxes the database hosts also other data such meteorological variables, ancillary data and meta-information acquired in sites involved in EU projects but also single sites in Europe, Africa and other continents that decided to share their measurements in the database. The database provides access to the data and metadata submitted by all the sites but also dedicated interfaces for projects that are supporting the infrastructure or where the database is officially involved. The database hosts data acquired since 1996 in the context of previous and ended research projects, mainly funded by the EU. These data are all processed in the database using the same methodologies and schemes available and applied to the recent data to increase the level of standardization. New sites can be registered in the "Register your site" page while the list of sites registered including general information are available in the "Sites List" page. Data access is possible from the "Data" menu where there are also information about the data access and data use policies. Information about the data collected and distributed and about the data submission are available in the "Guidelines" section. |