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Name S5P L1B_RA UV/UVVIS/NIR / Level-1b radiance
Description Top of atmosphere earth radiance Documentation available at: Contains Level-1b radiance The Level-1b radiance products contain the Earth radiance measurements, including annotation data such as geolocation. For each data granule, typically of the size of one orbit, there is a data product for each of the eight bands. The radiance products are the main input for the Level-2 processors. Level-1b irradiance The Level-1b irradiance products contain the averaged solar irradiance measurements, including annotation data. For each data granule, there is a data product for each of the two modules, UVN and SWIR. The Level-2 processors will use the irradiance products to calculate reflectance from the Earth radiance data. The irradiance data is used for calibration processing as well. Every 15 orbits - approximately once every calendar day - TROPOMI will be commanded to perform a solar irradiance measurement. If no solar measurements are available in the data granule being processed, no irradiance product will be generated. Level-1b calibration The Level-1b calibration products contain the calibration and background measurements, including annotation data, as well as any calibration data that are derived from radiance and irradiance measurements. For each data granule, there is a data product for each of the two modules, UVN and SWIR. The calibration products are the main input for the calibration processors that will use these products for generating updates to the calibration key data and for generating trending and monitoring products. Level-1b engineering The Level-1b engineering products contain the instrument’s engineering data converted to physical units. For each data granule, there is a single data product. The engineering products are input for the calibration processors who will use these products for generating updates to the calibration key data and for generating trending and monitoring products. The L1b engineering product is only intended for calibration and monitoring purposes. All instrument information needed or relevant for L2 processing will be contained within the radiance and irradiance products.
Note V01.00.00
Status Operational
Group Sentinel-5p-TROPOMI
Area Global
Component Sentinel-5p
Service Copernicus Space Component
Entrusted Entities European Space Agency
Created on July 12, 2019, 2:43 p.m.
Last updated on March 28, 2022, 2:27 p.m.


UID Requirement Level of definition Relevant for Criticality Barriers Note Created on Last updated on