Note |
The Landslides database (BDMvt) lists the landslides recorded in metropolitan France and in the departments of the West Indies, French Guiana and Reunion Island.This national database has been managed and developed since 1994 by BRGM, with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research; with the collaboration with the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées and their regional network made up of the Regional Laboratories (LR) and the Centres d'Etudes Techniques de l'Equipement (CETE), which have now become CEREMA; as well as Mountain Land Restoration services.
The data (including the data entry body, is indicated in the occurrence data sheets) come from:
- old databases, archives and partial inventories held by the organizations contributing to the database's supply;
- specific departmental inventories carried out since 2001;
- punctual information from a variety of sources (media, studies, individuals, local authorities, associations,...). |