Name |
GHS Data Supporting |
Note |
The GHS-SDATA contains several intermediate data supporting the production of R2023A Data Package (GHS-BUILT, GHS-POP) with the function of baseline or quality control: consequently they have a downstream effect on the characteristics of the final information included in the R2023A. They are shared for the purpose of a better understanding of the
GHSL data characteristics and facilitate the transparency of the GHSL production workflow.
This dataset includes the Landsat image quantity for the multitemporal GHS-BUILT R2023 production and the UN World Urbanization Prospect 2018 city boundaries estimates for the GHS-POP R2023 multitemporal production. GHSL developed an automatic approach for inferring the city boundaries and extent in WUP database that is based on iterative aggregation of administrative units adjacent to the main unit (determined by WUP city coordinates), using density and compactness criteria to reach the WUP city population data in the available census year. The complete information about the GHSL main products can be found in the GHSL Data Package 2023 report ( |
Update Frequency
Periodic Update |
Temporal |
< 1 hr |
Data Policy
Freely accessible |
Data type
Geospatial data |
Copernicus service product
Data format
Raster dataset |
Quality Control Procedure
Semiautomatic |
View and Download Service |
Inspire themes
Annex III: Buildings
Annex III: Population distribution and demography
Geographical Coverage
Multiple Countries /Not a specific country
Operational |
Created on |
May 29, 2024, 2:30 p.m. |
Last modified on |
May 29, 2024, 2:30 p.m. |