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Key Landscape for Conservation areas (KLC) in Africa, Indonesia and Caribbean. The KLC included in the dataset are the following: Caribbean (CAR_01), Comoe-Mole (WAF_05), Cross River-Takamanda-Mt Cameroon-Korup (CAF_01), Garamba-Lantoto-Bili-Uere-Chinko-Southern (CAF_05), Great Limpopo (SAF_02), Grand Virunga (CAF_02), Kundelungu-Upemba (CAF_11), Lomami (CAF_15), Luangwa (SAF_14_15), Madagascar Forests (SAF_21), Manovo-Gounda-St Floris-Bamingui (CAF_06), Mbam Djerem (CAF_16), Niassa-Selous (EAF_04), Salonga (CAF_07), Tai-Sapo (WAF_10), Timor Leste (PAC_01), WAPOK (WAF_04) and Yangambi (CAF_99).
EPSG: 4326.
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