747 |
Name |
European Meteorological Observations - EMO |
Note |
EMO (European Meteorological Observations) is a European high-resolution, (sub-)daily, multi-variable gridded meteorological data set built on historical and real-time observations. EMO includes at daily resolution: total precipitation, temperatures (minimum and maximum), wind speed, solar radiation and water vapour pressure. In addition, EMO also makes available 6-hourly precipitation and mean temperature. Currently, EMO is available in two spatial resolutions: EMO-5 provides grids with a spatial resolution of 5kmx5km and covers the time period from 1990 to 2019. EMO-1 provides grids with a spatial resolution of 1arcminx1arcmin (approx. 1.5km) and covers the time period from 1990-2022. Note that EMO-5 is not supported anymore (i.e. no updates or bug-fixes are introduced) and we recommend to use EMO-1. |
Update Frequency
Yearly |
Temporal |
01 Jan. 1990 -
31 Dec. 2021
< 1 hr |
Data Policy
Freely accessible |
Data type
Observation |
Copernicus service product
Data format
Multiple |
Quality Control Procedure
N/A |
View and Download Service |
Inspire themes
Annex III: Meteorological geographical features
Geographical Coverage
Multiple Countries /Not a specific country
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Created on |
May 25, 2023, 9:58 a.m. |
Last modified on |
Jan. 11, 2024, 10:41 a.m. |