Note |
This is a combined land/water mask and surface classification data field. For land the
“Global Land Cover Characteristics Data Base Version 2.0” is used [ER8], specifically the
“USGS Land Use/Land Cover System (Modified Level 2)” classification. Over water the
classification from the NASA SDP toolkit [ER9], which is based on [RD35].
The structure of this variable is indicated with the flag_meanings, flag_values and flag_-
masks, following the CF-metadata convensions. Bits 0 and 1 indicate the land-water mask
at two levels, bit 2 gives a rough statistic on the coverage of the pixel, and the remainder of
the byte indicates the surface classification in more detail. Note that these values are static
and based on the databases indicated above.
source ‘USGS ( and NASA
SDP toolkit (
sdptoolkit/toolkit.html)’ (static)
flag_meanings ‘land water some_water coast value_covers_majority_of_pixel water+shallow_ocean
water+shallow_inland_water water+ocean_-
coastline-lake_shoreline water+intermittent_water
water+deep_inland_water water+continental_-
shelf_ocean water+deep_ocean land+urban_-
and_built-up_land land+dryland_cropland_-
and_pasture land+irrigated_cropland_and_pasture land+mixed_dryland-irrigated_cropland_-
and_pasture land+cropland-grassland_mosaic
land+cropland-woodland_mosaic land+grassland
land+shrubland land+mixed_shrublandgrassland land+savanna land+deciduous_-
broadleaf_forest land+deciduous_needleleaf_-
forest land+evergreen_broadleaf_forest
land+evergreen_needleleaf_forest land+mixed_-
forest land+herbaceous_wetland land+wooded_-
wetland land+barren_or_sparsely_vegetated
land+herbaceous_tundra land+wooded_tundra
land+mixed_tundra land+bare_ground_tundra
land+snow_or_ice’ (static) |