Name |
Global Precipitation Measurement Data (GPM) |
Note |
The Global Precipitation Measurement Data (GPM) is generated by the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals (IMERG) algorithm, that combines information from the GPM satellite constellation (GPM is an international satellite mission specifically designed to unify and advance precipitation measurements from research and operational microwave sensors for delivering next-generation global precipitation data products) to estimate precipitation over the majority of the Earth's surface. This algorithm and the data extracted are particularly valuable over the majority of the Earth's surface that lacks precipitation-measuring instruments on the ground. Now in the latest Version 06 release of IMERG the algorithm fuses the early precipitation estimates collected during the operation of the TRMM satellite (2000 - 2015) with more recent precipitation estimates collected during operation of the GPM satellite (2014 - present). IMERG Early, Late and Final Run data is made available in multiple data formats with different types of processing to serve the needs of the data user community.
Below are some of the most popular datasets: (List of IMERG Products in Giovanni) - Use the queries to simply the reasearch. ((30 Minute IMERG Early Run Precipitation Accumulations in GeoTIFF format or 1 Day IMERG Late Run Precipitation Accumulations in GeoTIFF format) - Pre-registration required. |
Update Frequency
Continuous |
Temporal |
01 Jan. 2000 -
< 1 hr |
Data Policy
Full and Open |
Data type
Observation |
Copernicus service product
Data format
Multiple |
Quality Control Procedure
N/A |
NRT Service |
Inspire themes
Annex III: Meteorological geographical features
Geographical Coverage
Multiple Countries /Not a specific country
Operational |
Created on |
April 15, 2021, 9:59 a.m. |
Last modified on |
Oct. 11, 2024, 9:42 a.m. |