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UID 628
Name INSPIRE Annex III: Habitats and biotopes
Note Habitats and Biotopes is a biodiversity theme that deals with habitats and biotopes as areas and their distinct boundaries. Spatial data model provides characterisation of geographical areas being functional for living organisms: biotopes being the spatial environment of a biotic community; habitats being the spatial environment of specific species. Available at
Update Frequency Periodic Update
Area EU member states
Temporal -
Timeliness Latest version available
Data Policy Members state/provider data policy
Data type Geospatial data
Copernicus service product
Data format INSPIRE format
Quality Control Procedure N/A
Dissemination INSPIRE Service
Inspire themes

Annex III: Habitats and biotopes

Geographical Coverage

Multiple Countries /Not a specific country

Status -
State Ready
Created on Dec. 18, 2020, 1:57 p.m.
Last modified on Oct. 14, 2024, 11:23 a.m.

Data Providers
