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Data details

UID 553
Name World Glacier Inventory (WGI)
Note The World Glacier Inventory (WGI) contains information for over 130,000 glaciers. Inventory parameters include geographic location, area, length, orientation, elevation, and classification. The WGI is based primarily on aerial photographs and maps with most glaciers having one data entry only. Hence, the data set can be viewed as a snapshot of the glacier distribution in the second half of the 20th century. It is based on the original WGI (WGMS 1989) from the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS).
Update Frequency Historical
Area Global
Temporal -
Timeliness < 1 hr
Data Policy Freely accessible
Data type Geospatial data
Copernicus service product
Data format ASCII
Quality Control Procedure N/A
Dissemination OGC Service
Inspire themes

Annex I: Hydrography

Annex II: Land cover

Geographical Coverage

Multiple Countries /Not a specific country

Status Operational
State Ready
Created on May 6, 2020, 2:01 p.m.
Last modified on May 20, 2020, 11:15 p.m.

Data Providers

Data provider UID Data provider Role Is network Created on Last modified on
326 US National Snow and Ice Data Centre Originator May 6, 2020, 2:01 p.m. May 20, 2020, 11:15 p.m.


Requirement UID Requirement Level of compliace Note Information costs Handling costs Created on Last modified on
427 Glacier coverage Partially May 6, 2020, 2:01 p.m. May 20, 2020, 11:15 p.m.